Guildsman Quarterly

Guild Bellman

Guild of Gentlemen First Conference: Restoring Beauty
We are excited to announce that the First Guild of Gentlemen Conference will be held on July 6, 2024!...
New Website
For those of you who have been around for a while...
The New Nobility
The New Nobility is an ongoing project in which the Guild of Gentlemen acts as the authority over which a new system of nobility is enacted. This is a long thought out and carefully updated project. We seek purely to do what is right and we take the authority over the culture and civilization of the West incredibly seriously.
My Orthodoxy
Greetings to everyone, all of my friends, brothers and Guildsmen who have been so loyal to me and my Guild. I love and care for all of you dearly and you all mean so much to me...
Join The Fight
Today is the day where Western civilization and culture breathes again.
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